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A photo of Katrina, a tutor from Moody Bible Institute


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I have my Masters in Teaching for elementary education from Meredith College and am very passionate about education. I have experience tutoring in language arts for all elementary ages and middle school.Additionally I have tutored elementary students in math. I recently spent 9 months living in Peru and can understand basic Spanish. I also have experience as a classroom teacher when I completed my student teaching in a 4th grade classroom. I have devoted my life to education because I believe that having an education paves the way for true joy. When someone takes the time to learn and succeed in learning, that someone solidifies his or her passions and creates an opportunity to pursue their passions. I cannot think of anything better to spend my time doing than helping a student learn and succeed. Besides spending my time teaching, I also enjoy having fun through dancing, traveling, and a good game of chess or any other strategy board game.

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Katrina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Moody Bible Institute - Bachelors, Biblical Studies

Graduate Degree: Meredith College - Masters, Elementary Education


eating at restaurants, playing games, hiking, reading, dancing

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe that teaching is only successful when the student learns. A good teacher is completely dependent upon the success of his or her students. A teacher should constantly adapt his or her teaching style to the needs of the student.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I would spend my time getting to know the student: what his or her interests are and where that student needs help the most. I would also provide activities that would help me assess the student's academic needs.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

A student can become an independent learner through proper use of scaffolding. The teacher should provide support where needed and gradually release more and more responsibility to the student as the student learns and develops the academic skills needed.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

I would design activities that are geared towards the student's interests that also include the necessary academic content. For instance, I once tutored a 2nd grade boy who was struggling in reading by reading through a Pokémon manual with him. He loved Pokémon and we were able to read something he loved, but also utilize different reading skills.

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