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A photo of Giancarlo, a tutor from University of Pennsylvania


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I am a 2015 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, I majored in Mathematics and minored in English. Throughout college, I held a position of a Teaching Assistant for various mathematics courses. In addition to my experience as a TA, I have years of experience as a private tutor for various subjects. I am committed to helping students understand and love their courses, and am dedicated to achieving this task.

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Giancarlo’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pennsylvania - Bachelors, Mathematics


Music, film, traveling.

Q & A

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Introduce myself and explain my background in the subject to the student. I also ask students about themselves and their interests.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I try to get the student to enjoy the subject so that they will want to continue studying and learning more on their own.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

I like to give students problems to work on throughout the week without me in order to stay motivated.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

I would try to figure out exactly what aspect of the skill/concept was troubling them and help them overcome that. Often, one small detail can cause a student to have difficulty with an entire concept.

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