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A photo of Nathan, a tutor from University of California-Davis


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I am a senior studying Applied Mathematics at the University of California, Davis. I believe the most important quality in a tutor is patience. Everyone is capable of being great at math, but math is a very difficult and abstract topic, and the only sure path to success is through continuous effort. A tutor must have the patience to move through the subject at the student's own pace. Mathematics is important not just because of its endless application and its role as the foundation of the sciences, but because the problem solving strategies and intellectual tool set required in learning math are supremely advantageous to every field of academic and professional life. It is a pleasure to help young minds acquire these skills and very fulfilling to watch a student go from 'I don't understand, and I hate this' to 'I get this! and I hate it slightly less.'

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Nathan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-Davis - Bachelors, Applied Mathematics


Music, podcasts, nature, science, and hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Tutoring Subjects

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