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A photo of Carolyn, a tutor from University of Washington-Seattle Campus


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I have been a teacher and tutor for many years. I obtained my Elementary Teaching Credential and Master’s of Education from UC Davis. I have four years teaching experience, including two years in the Hillsboro School District teaching in a fifth grade classroom and a bilingual first grade classroom. I also taught second grade at the International School of Panama for two years. I am currently working part-time as a substitute teacher for Portland Public Schools.

I have also tutored for a number of families over the past six years. I have tutored students in reading, writing, math, Spanish and ESL. I speak Spanish fluently, and I am comfortable tutoring children aged from kindergarten to 8th grade in any subject. As a tutor, I will help your child gain academic skills and build confidence by providing them with the targeted, one-on-one instruction that he/she deserves.

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Carolyn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Washington-Seattle Campus - Bachelors, International Studies

Graduate Degree: University of California-Davis - Masters, Teaching


Sign language, speaking Spanish, travel, scuba diving, cooking, knitting, reading, writing, hiking and riding my bicycle.

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Conversational Spanish

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math



High School English

Homework Support







Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization



Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Education is a tool for empowerment. It leads to the opening of eyes and doors. It gives us access to the world around us and the means to understand our experience in it. Education is a journey of self discovery, to finding our inner potential and discovering how to turn our promise into action. Education deepens our humanity, it connects us to the people and places we learn about, it inspires compassion and understanding. It is a means to bettering ourselves and to creating positive change in the world. It is a tool for empowerment, and in my classroom it is my goal to empower each and every one of my students.

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