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A photo of Mohamad, a tutor from University of Connecticut


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I am currently pursuing a degree in material science & engineering from the University of Connecticut. After I receive my undergrad I plan to go on to get my masters then hopefully my Ph.D. At school I tutor one on one, mostly math but also some engineering courses as well. Prior to college I would volunteer at an after school program in my town where I would help the students there with their homework. I have a strong background in math and due to previous jobs I also have excellent communication skills as well, so I am very comfortable working with new people.
Outside tutoring, I like to spend the majority of my time outdoors, whether it's out on a hike, doing something active, or just relaxing. I'm also an amateur computer programmer, and I like to work on small projects in my spare time. Currently I am working on designing a plane and programming it to fly using a arduino micro-controller and python.
I look forward to meeting new students and spreading the fun of math.

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Mohamad’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Connecticut - Bachelor of Science, Material Science & Engineering


outdoor activities, computer programming, yoga

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