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A photo of David, a tutor from California State University-Fullerton


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I will never forget my fifth grade teacher. My fifth grade teacher was cool, easy to talk to, and inspired all of his students to aim for the stars. He drove me to challenge myself each and every day; and
to learn from every situation that is presented before us. He showed me that education can be extremely fun and exciting!
I was one of many misguided students who saw him as the coolest teacher in the world. One could not wish for a greater role model. If I could connect with one student in my years of tutoring as my fifth grade teacher once did, it would all be worthwhile! The young and eager minds of students have once been compared to me like the seeds of a tree. We must nourish and foster their dreams to allow them to grow and flourish!

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David’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: California State University-Fullerton - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology


Basketball/Body building/Outdoor recreation

Tutoring Subjects

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