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A photo of Candace, a tutor from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University


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I have been tutoring for over 17 years, and I absolutely love making a difference in the lives of my students especially when they are able to achieve their academic, personal, and career goals with my help. I attribute my success with students to being personable, accepting no excuses and simply showing them that I care. My students are given a great foundation to be successful which allows them to embrace a challenge. As a result, their self confidence, participation in class, and grades improve tremendously.

I am a graduate of Keller Graduate School of Management, with a Master in Public Administration, Master in Business Administration and also earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Florida A&M University. I have taught students in elementary to high school in math and reading, and they have all achieved exceptional scores. My teaching style is direct, creative, and applicable to real life/real world situations.

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Candace’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: DeVry University's Keller Graduate School of Management-Georgia - Master in Public Health Administration, Public Administration

Graduate Degree: DeVry University's Keller Graduate School of Management-Georgia - Masters in Business Administration, Entrepreneurial Studies


My interests include art, music, playing drums, sports (track and field and basketball), working with children, mentoring, event planning, acting, and modeling.

Tutoring Subjects

2nd Grade Math

3rd Grade Math

4th Grade Math

5th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

7th Grade Math

8th Grade Math

Algebra 2


Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


Middle School Math


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