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A photo of David, a tutor from University Durham (UK)


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I was born and educated in England where I majored in Education, English and Classical Music at The University of Durham (UK), Sunderland College of Education. I also studied at The Royal School of Music (UK). I am widely traveled and have lived and worked in several countries.

As well as many years in the classroom, I have extensive experience in education administration and in the corporate arena. For several years, I was vice-president of an educational corporation in New York City.

I have taught all aspects of English from primary school level to post-graduate level and have extensive experience in teaching ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). I have been both a vice-principal of a high school and principal of a primary school as well as a Member of The Board of Education (Cayman Islands, Lesser Islands).

In The USA, I have experience as a school administrator, classroom teacher (English and ESOL) and have a also taught those subjects to executives in various professions and corporations. Much of my work is also tutoring on a one-to-one basis with native speakers as well as helping foreign students.

I was chosen to write the ESOL program for Cunard – White Star Lines to be taught as a study subject for passengers aboard each of their luxury ships. I was a guest lecturer on “The Queen Mary II” on several voyages.

I firmly believe that there is no one way to teach. Teaching is a combination of techniques and experiences that have been attained over several years. Each student learns differently. Our responsibilities are to identify the best teaching style for the individual student and to recognize what inspires and acts as an incentive to each student. Our other major responsibility involves teaching learning skills and research skills for whatever level the student has already attained.

In my leisure time I still enjoy my passion for language by reading, especially classical literature, drama and poetry. I am personally inspired by the arts in general. I also enjoy music, photography and gardening – as every native English person does.

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David’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University Durham (UK) - Bachelors, Education/ English


Music, Reading, The Arts, Photography, Gardening

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Reading

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Reading

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Reading

12th Grade Writing

1st Grade Reading

1st Grade Writing

2nd Grade Reading

2nd Grade Writing

3rd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Writing

4th Grade Reading

4th Grade Writing

5th Grade Reading

5th Grade Writing

6th Grade Reading

6th Grade Writing

7th Grade Reading

7th Grade Writing

8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Writing

9th Grade Reading

9th Grade Writing

Adult Literacy

American Literature

British Literature

College English

College Essays

College Level American Literature

Comparative Literature

Creative Writing

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Introduction to Fiction


Medieval Literature

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing


Persuasive Writing


Poetry Writing

Public Speaking



Short Novel

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep



World Literature


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