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A photo of Hannah, a tutor from UNF/Valencia


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After participating in high school AP courses, I began my higher education at the University of North Florida. I am currently finishing a bachelors degree in History, and have been certified by Dale Carnegie Training in leadership and professional human relations. Naturally drawn to all things expressive, I tutor a wide range of creative subjects. I am particularly passionate about Visual Art, Reading, and English due to the joy I feel when I can help fuel a child's excitement for such fulfilling skills as successful communication and creative expression. I believe the ability to effectively communicate is a key factor in personal achievement, and a critical life skill that should be cultivated from an early age. The happiness that blooms in a person who learns to find joy in their work, taking pride in setting and meeting goals, is a beautiful thing.
In my personal time, I love to pursue my own art, read wonderful books, and cook delicious vegetarian food. I have logged volunteer hours in Guatemala, where I assisted in bringing food and clean water to low-income families. I am often found playing with my feisty little dog or watching dinosaur documentaries, and my favorite animal is the great white shark, a preference I'm sure many of my students will share.

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Hannah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: UNF/Valencia - Unknown, History


Learning about dinosaurs and marine life, reading, creating art (with various media), yoga, cooking delicious vegetarian food

Tutoring Subjects

1st Grade Reading

1st Grade Writing

2nd Grade Reading

2nd Grade Writing

3rd Grade Reading

3rd Grade Writing

4th Grade Reading

4th Grade Writing

5th Grade Reading

5th Grade Writing

AP English Language and Composition

AP English Literature and Composition

AP Studio Art

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing


Art History

College English


Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing


High School English


Public Speaking


Social Studies


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