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A photo of Carla, a tutor from Wayne State University


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We have all had horrible teachers and outstanding teachers. I believe that I am the latter. Over the years as a math tutor and instructor I have learned to be very patient and understanding. Allowing students to communicate their needs to an instructor is very important. But it is also very important that the instructor understands exactly what students need. I allow students to try problems on their own with the use of notes, textbooks, and/or online research first. This allows me to see what exactly they need assistance with. I want students to understand that it is okay to make mistakes because them making a mistake helps me to help better understand a math concept. I believe that my enthusiasm comes naturally because I enjoy teaching Math. This enthusiasm and energy helps to motivate students to do well and to also enjoy math. I also motivate my students by setting high expectations for them. Before any tutoring session begins I explain to them what is expected of them and what I will do to help them meet their expectations and goals. People ask me what makes me most proud. It is not my grades, exam scores, degree, or any personal accomplishment but it is the growth of my students that makes me most proud. I feel that I have completed my job with each struggling student when they are understanding the material better are doing better in math. I also enjoy seeing them be more confident about math.

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Carla’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wayne State University - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics


Watching television, playing card games, exercising, shopping, etc

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