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A photo of Stefan, a tutor from College of Charleston


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I grew up in the DC-NOVA area and I am a recent graduate of the College of Charleston in South Carolina. There I pursued a double major in economics and philosophy, as well as a minor in environmental studies. As a student-tutor I enjoyed helping student grapple with difficult concepts and enjoyed watching them succeed. While I have a broad interest in economics and statistics, I particularly enjoy macro-economics and monetary theory. I hope to one day teach at the university level. In addition, I enjoy reading literature, running, biking, and cooking in my spare time.

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Stefan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: College of Charleston - Bachelor of Science, Economics & Philosophy


reading literature, running, biking, and cooking in my spare time.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Macroeconomics

AP Microeconomics


College Business

College Economics


High School Business

High School Economics





SAT Writing and Language

Social Sciences


Test Prep

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