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A photo of Sabrina, a tutor from Columbia University in the City of New York


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As a double-degree recipient from Columbia University, with a B.A. in political science and a M.S. in journalism, I am best at helping my students take their academics to the next level in reading, writing, and essay composition. One of the biggest hurdles in writing is getting past writer's block and crafting a unique composition; I help students through that by breaking down the process into easy, digestible steps. Once the anxiety and trepidation is gone, writing becomes fun.

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Sabrina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Master of Science, Journalism


Skiing, hiking, dancing, writing

Tutoring Subjects

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