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A photo of Hillery, a tutor from Prairie View A&M University


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I am a graduate Prairie View A&M University. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. I have also taken postgraduate courses at Johns Hopkins University and Texas A&M University. I have performed training in electronics development, testing, industrial safety, and statistical analysis for product and process improvement. I began tutoring during my undergraduate studies in the areas of Network Theory, Calculus, and Differential Equations. I have taught middle school, high school, and adult night school mathematics. I have performed volunteer work in the church and community on basic computer setup and repair. I always try to make math problems interesting by using examples that are relevant to the student. My interests are in listening to, writing, and performing gospel and R&B music. Being a native Texan, I have football on my list of most favorite things. I also enjoy Words With Friends and Sudoku to exercise my mind.

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Hillery’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Prairie View A&M University - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering


Writing and performing music

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