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A photo of Artik, a tutor from Campbell University


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I am a research scientist. My experience as a scientist involves the application of four major scientific disciplines - chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and mathematics - to discover and develop new drugs for different human diseases. I am most enthusiastic about teaching these four and the subjects related to those.

With teaching, I believe in meeting students where they are and going from there.
When students learn concepts like trigonometry in math or moles and functional groups in chemistry, they often think, "I'll never use this in real life." But this perspective overlooks something crucial. It misses the fact that the act of learning how to do math and the process of learning these subjects establishes a new kind of brain wiring - a problem-solving and critical thinking kind of brain wiring. So, it is not just about the specific content; it is about the methods, tactics, and tools developed to tackle those problems. While you may never encounter those exact problems again, the problem-solving skills you acquire will be invaluable for tackling new challenges throughout your life. This is what I strive to achieve when tutoring my students.

With the successes I have achieved and the knowledge I have gained over the years, I feel a deep responsibility to share them freely and generously. Because with success comes an obligation, and I believe I owe a debt not only to the people from whom I gained this knowledge but also to the people who are eager to learn and grow.

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Artik’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Campbell University - Master of Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences


In my free time, I enjoy playing and hiking with my dog, reading self-improvement books, and watching movies.

Tutoring Subjects

Analytical Chemistry



Cell Biology


Chemistry 2

General Chemistry 2


Grade 11 Math

Grade 12 Chemistry

Graduate Test Prep

High School Physics

IB Biology

IB Chemistry

IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches




Middle School Math

Molecular Biology

Molecular Genetics



Organic Chemistry 2

PCAT Biology

PCAT Chemistry

PCAT Quantitative Ability



Quantitative Reasoning

SAT Subject Test in Physics

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Test Prep

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