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A photo of Abdul, a tutor from Drexel University


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I started my journey as a finance professional with BDO's Valuations team, where my team and I performed equity valuations on client to help with regulatory filings and M&A procedures. After leaving BDO, I started working towards the CFA charter. I managed to clear all 3 levels of the CFA program at the age of 22. My pursuit of more knowledge on the workings of the world of finance sent me to the M.S program at Drexel.
I believe in using case studies to explain financial/economic concepts. I often use news headlines to make my students understand how theory relates to real world applications. Learning and imparting knowledge are two things I love the most and I'm glad to be able to make a living doing things I enjoy.

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Abdul’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Drexel University - Master of Economics, Econometrics and Quantitative Economics


Photography, Hiking, learning, cooking, and cars.

Tutoring Subjects



Business Analytics

Business Calculus

Business Enterprise

Business Ethics

Business Statistics

Business Writing

College Business

Corporate Finance

Cost Accounting

Cost Analysis


Data Analysis



Financial Accounting

High School Business

Human Resources

IB Business & Management

International Business


Management Information Systems

Managerial Accounting


Personal Finance

Supply Chain Management

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