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A photo of Justin, a tutor from University of Rhode Island


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I am a coach/mentor by profession with extensive training in personal development and adept at helping people with the tools to overcome personal challenges and learning blocks.

I previously worked as a math tutor doing in-house visits to Jr High and High School students in Rhode Island.

I have a masters degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Rhode Island (URI), where I focused on statistics, experiment design and analysis, and process improvement.

My background allows me to be a great help to students who are struggling with their teacher/professor's teaching style or just need to find an learning approach that works for them. My approach to tutoring is similar to my approach to coaching, in that I take a holistic approach to achieving the desired result and identify the root cause of any barriers to learning the subject matter.

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Justin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Rhode Island - Master of Science, Industrial Engineering


Natural health, Fitness, Spirituality, Strategy games, The Beatles, White boards, Aliens

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