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A photo of Dylan, a tutor from University of Chicago


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I'm Dylan, your dedicated tutor. In the four years I've tutored the ACT, I've brought over 100 students into the top 1% of scoring, with many of my students gaining admission to ivy leagues. Graduating from a title 1 school, a lot of friends were unable to attend college because of their low standardized test scores. I want to make sure that no students are held back from college admissions by their test scores. My teaching aims to elevate a students score as much as possible through personalized education.

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Dylan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Chicago - Bachelor of Science, Cognitive Science


I'm really interested in volleyball and aim to go to the Olympics in 2028. Other than that, I love anime and video games. I'm learning Japanese from watching anime without subtitles (I don't think it's working), but I'm still having fun regardless. I also love playing chess and run a club in Atlanta for other chess lovers.

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