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A photo of Daniel, a tutor from Swarthmore College


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I work as a tutor because I have a passion for teaching. I come from a family of teachers and have always found teaching highly rewarding. Generally, I like to help people. After receiving an MS in Statistics from University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Statistics from Temple University, I worked as a statistician in the drug development area for 30+ years. During that time, I also did a lot of teaching.

Besides teaching in industry I have taught high school math and have taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I have also tutored online. My teaching philosophy is practical in nature. When we consulted with John Tukey, he always looked at statistics as a technology. Like so many other technologies, it can be extremely useful when used appropriately. But it can also be misleading and confusing for those who misuse it or do not understand it. Typically, my goal is to give students a firm foundation on how statistical concepts can help them frame and address important issues. Essentially, I try to give them the tools to think like a statistician.

Although it's nice to work with students who are good at math, often the ones who need help are the ones who are less comfortable with math. I like working with them particularly.

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Daniel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Swarthmore College - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Madison - Master of Science, Statistics

Graduate Degree: Temple University - Doctor of Philosophy, Statistics


Statistics Soccer Chess Pickleball

Tutoring Subjects




Business Statistics

College Statistics


Programming Languages

R Programming



Statistics Graduate Level

Technology and Coding

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