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I started teaching 20 years ago, graduating from Texas State University where I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Education with a specialization in Math. I have worked with students from Early Childhood Special Education to 8th grade. After graduation from college, I taught 3rd-grade self-contained. When I received my ESL Certification and Special Education Certification, I worked with in-class support students as well as teaching a Math resource class for 6th-8th graders. I supported students in class with modifications and accommodations in 6th through 8th grade for Math, Science, History, and ELA. Students' levels increased by 4-7 levels throughout the year. I have administered State Testing to students from 3rd grade to 8th grade as well as modified and alternative tests for special education students. I also worked with students as a math and reading interventionist for students at risk of failing state testing. I administered the TELPAS test for English Language Learners. With my Autism Self-Contained class, I modified every subject and grade from Kindergarten to 5th grade to suit my students' learning needs. Every child learns differently. Some students need visuals, auditory cues, written cues, and/or hands-on learning. Throughout the years, I have differentiated my teaching to what my students need. I enjoy watching my students learn and master concepts. That feeling of pride when they are able to complete a math problem on their own or make real-life connections to what they learned is amazing. And the best way to learn is by playing. I do a mini-lesson or reteach a concept, practice, play a game over the material, then practice with the student teaching me. Many learners also do best with some movement which I incorporate into my lessons as much as possible, such as giving them a time limit to find 5 items. Then have the student situate those items into two groups. Students are doing basic algebra by formulating fact families with household items. This way the student is able to utilize a variety of learning types (auditory, kinesthetic, verbal, and social) at one time and increase executive functioning skills to better retain and then apply the knowledge learned.

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Lisa’s Qualifications


When I have time, I enjoy camping with my family, playing board games, watching movies, and playing with my cats. I even dabble in cooking and baking.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies



Learning Differences


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing





Social Studies

Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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