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A photo of Ismary, a tutor from University of Florida


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Ever since I was little, I wanted to teach. I love teaching and sharing my passions with others. I have taught for about seven years, and it has been a pleasure to share my love for literature with my students. I love making my classroom interactive by using the flipped model and implementing group work. I have also worked one-on-one with students while they were in stations.
Additionally, I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Florida.
I can teach English Language Arts 6-12 and ESOL because I have a teaching certificate for those subjects. I can also teach College English, Writing, and Syntax and Grammar because of my Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature.

Out of all the aforementioned subjects, my favorite would be College English because I love working with adults while teaching what I am passionate about. My first experience as a teacher was working with adults. They were attentive and they loved participating.
My teaching philosophy is that learning is a process that we must take one step at a time to learn the content, take notes, and study enough to make sure we learn the content. I love helping my students through the learning process.
Outside of teaching, I love reading books. Yes. I am a bookworm. I have a my own library in my home office.
I am also passionate about powerlifting (bench, deadlift, and squats), so I go to the gym often. I competed once, but I don't know if I want to compete again because I was extremely nervous in the meet.

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Ismary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor in Arts, English

Undergraduate Degree: Dade Medical College-Miami - Associate in Arts, Legal Administrative Assistance


Books, movies, powerlifting, gym, cooking, make-up, software engineering (coding).

Tutoring Subjects



ACCUPLACER ESL - Reading Skills


British Literature

College English


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English


Test Prep


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