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A photo of Rachel, a tutor from DeSales University


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I am a graduate of Duke University. I received my Doctorate in Nursing Practice, Executive Leadership. I am also a graduate of George Washington University where I received my Masters of Science in Nursing with a focus on Health Care Quality. I completed my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Arts in Biology from DeSales University with a minor in psychology. Additionally, I have certifications as a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality, Certified Professional in Patient Safety, and Six Sigma Green Belt. I am a professional mentor at my organization for beginner nurses looking to advance their career and also provide academic guest lectures at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. I have been blessed with many wonderful mentors and teachers in my academic journey and will always strive to enhance others academic or professional journey as well. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two children, hiking, Philadelphia 76ers, gardening, and reading Harry Potter.

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Rachel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: DeSales University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Undergraduate Degree: DeSales University - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: George Washington University - Master of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: Duke University - Doctor of Medicine, Clinical Nurse Leader


Ballet, Reading, Philadelphia 76ers, Bike Riding, Hiking, Harry Potter, Traveling, Gardening, Orchids

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Health and Wellness


Health Care Policy

Medical Terminology




NCLEX-Registed Nurse

NCLEX-RN Prep Course





Professional Certifications

Public Health


Six Sigma

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