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What's up! I'm Hayley. I am a registered diagnostic medical sonographer that's an absolute nerd when it comes to ultrasound. I have a BS in diagnostic medical sonography from the Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as a MS in Health Professions Education from Boston University. I am currently in a full-time ultrasound education role at a major health institution. I specialize in high-risk maternal-fetal medicine, general adult and pediatric ultrasound, and while I am no longer at the bedside I have a pretty vast and diverse clinical background. If you're looking to crush your boards, I'm your girl! I'm knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to sonography, but I'm also an experienced educator committed to constructively work with you to achieve your goals.

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Hayley’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rochester Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Science, Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Graduate Degree: Boston University - Master of Science, Health Services Administration


Patient-centered care in sonography, my ultrasound podcast, running, and hanging out with my doggo Curry!

Tutoring Subjects

ARDMS - RDMS - Abdomen (AB)

ARDMS - RDMS - Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN)

ARDMS - RDMS - Pediatric Sonogrophy (PS)

ARDMS - Sonography Principals and Instruments (SPI)

Medical Ethics

Medical Terminology


Professional Certifications

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