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Artist statement:
I am a seeker, a shaman artist. I believe Art is Medicine and have created a series of art exercises that are usable by anyone to help cope with challenges and change our views of things , educating our brains to new possibilities. All of which require no art ability and are fun to work with.

I center in the collected ways of being which are me. My Journey here is to Empower Women and All Beings I connect with. Life is a constant exploration of my HeartPath. I seek teachings in my roadblocks, then let my art and Magic express them. I walk with one foot in the physical world and one in the spiritual, exploring the use of energy in a quantum way. My teachings and my path come from the years of study with Wise Women, especially the Sisterhood of the Shields and Lynn Andrews. Laura Hollick, Merlinda Arnold and Shiloh Sophia McCloud. I am an "Earth-Rooted Dream Flier" who reaches out to others as I learn to be a compass for the unknown, mapping new paradigms, new routes and strategies learned on my own Journey and I am often able....to Live beyond the Possible.

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Judith’s Qualifications


I create Art Medicine projects and workshops, hold Red Thread Circles and am a practicing artist with many hours of actively painting a month. I have been included in many juried shows and had a number of solo shows most recently here at The Santa Fe Library, the Colonial Coffee Shop. I have also participated in 6 Fuller Art lodge Shows and Metallo Gallery miniature shows in Madrid, NM I have written a book called the Rose Crone Manual that is available on Amazon as a workbook for women as they consider what it means to move into an older age. I love nature , animals and to consider philosophic issues such as "How does one create consensus while still honoring the right of dissent"

Tutoring Subjects




Visual Arts

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