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A photo of Valencia, a tutor from Alcorn State University


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I am a career educator that builds relationships while delivering mastery of subject. Learning should be painless and unforgettable. Join me, Dr. V, in the journey to loving learning!

I am a celebrated 20 year veteran that has taught every grade from K-5 to the Doctoral program. I love students and embrace diversity!

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Valencia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Alcorn State University - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: Clark Atlanta University - Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology


Writing Editing Poetry Singing Sign Language

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing







Social Sciences

Social Studies


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