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A photo of Evan, a tutor from University of Oxford


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Hi, my name is Evan Oberstein and I am a recent graduate from Oxford University with a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Statistics. I have had a lifelong interest in math, which I was able to further develop with extra-curricular enrichment. One of the largest advantages of private tutoring is the increased engagement and attention between the student and material. I believe that fostering a love of mathematics is possible in any student and would be thrilled to help students both improve and become more excited about the subject. I was diagnosed with executive functioning issues while a high-school student, but was able to develop new study skills and continue further in my education, and I can help you do the same.

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Evan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Oxford - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Statistics


I am an avid walker, fan of strategy games (ex. Fire Emblem), and I play the drums.

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