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My name is Stanislus Offokansi, i hold a Masters in Business Administration degree and a Masters in International Management & Finance Degree. I am currently rounding up my Doctor of Business (DBA) degree program. I boast of over 20year professional career which cuts across - banking, Investment management, Accounting, Information Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Its been my dream to pass on knowledge to those who need it and that's one of the main reasons i chose to teach at my spare time. I can make the most complex of concepts very easy and i am very easy to get along with.

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Stanislus’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Lagos - Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: Georgia State University - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


Travelling, Reading, meeting people, and exploring different cultures.

Tutoring Subjects



College Accounting

Cost Accounting


Financial Accounting

High School Accounting

Managerial Accounting

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