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A photo of Brandi, a tutor from Louisiana State University-Shreveport


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For the past 9 years, I have had the pleasure of serving students in public and private schools as a Speech Language Pathologist.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders from Louisiana State University and a master's degree in Speech Language Pathology from University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
My passion lies in sharing the joy of literacy with children. I approach this sometimes daunting and challenging subject from a meaning-based and functional paradigm. I have found if a student is exposed to literacy via a high interest topic or activity, the functionality promotes reading and writing skills.
Outside of the education realm, I am mom to two energetic boys, barre class teacher, and avid yogi.

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Brandi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Louisiana State University-Shreveport - Bachelor of Science, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Graduate Degree: University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Master of Science, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology


Playing with my toddler Traveling with my family Teaching barre classes Practicing yoga Anything Disney

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading


High School English

High School Writing

Learning Differences



Special Education


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