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A photo of Beatriz, a tutor from Florida Atlantic University


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While I tutor a broad range of subjects, I am most passionate about English literature, writing and composition, psychology, and conversational Spanish. I am a graduate of Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, FL. There, I received a Bachelor of Arts in English with a focus on English literature and a Master of Arts in English with a focus on writing, rhetoric, and composition. While at FAU, I worked at the writing center, helping students, faculty, alumni, and visiting scholars improve their writing and language skills. Simultaneously, I taught college writing courses for FAU's College of Arts and Letter's Department of English while completing several writing internships, attending national conferences, and taking advantage of study abroad opportunities. I had the opportunity to work extensively with ESL students. Given that FAU is one of the most diverse institutions in the nation and that I am a native Spanish speaker who immigrated to the United States as a young child, these experiences helped me feel even more connected to my language and culture. I've always believed that theory and practice are equally vital to a strong intellectual foundation. So, while I worked toward earning both degrees, I coupled my practical teaching and tutoring experience with additional courses from the Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature. I've worked with many students struggling with standardized tests, academic essays, graduate school applications, and learning either English or Spanish as a second language. We always seem to have the most fun (and make the most progress) when we focus on the writing and critical reading portions of the exams or assignments, employing real-life scenarios in the process.

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Beatriz’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Atlantic University - Bachelor of Fine Arts, English Composition

Graduate Degree: Florida Atlantic University - Master of Fine Arts, English Composition


In my spare time, I like practicing yoga and meditation, going on long bike rides and walks while listening to music, reading or listening to books that enrich my life, researching and writing both fiction and non-fiction, and spending time with my family. I also love to travel every chance I get!

Tutoring Subjects


CLEP Spanish

College English

Conversational Spanish

Conversational Spanish for Adults


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Intermediate Spanish for Adults




Social Sciences


Test Prep

Thesis Writing


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