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A photo of Kaiden, a tutor from Youngstown State University


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Education is one of the most important things out there, and not everyone has an easy time learning. It's okay to struggle sometimes because not everyone is perfect, but always make sure you get the right help when needed. I'm always there for others and help wherever I can. My goal as a tutor is to help students succeed! As a student who has grown up with ADHD I have definitely learned the best ways to study and progress, and I can absolutely spread my tips and advice to anyone who needs it.

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Kaiden’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Youngstown State University - Bachelor of Science, Forensic Science


When I’m not at school I enjoy skateboarding, swimming, and playing video games! I also love spending time with my partner and our two dogs.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Elementary School


High School Writing

Learning Differences


Middle School


Special Education


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