Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: West Texas A & M University - Bachelor in Arts, Education
Reading has been a lifetime hobby for me whether reading research studies, solving fictional mysteries, or interpreting poetry stanzas. A few of my favorite authors are Stephen King, David Sedaris, and Emily Dickinson. Another hobby is writing of all types from research summaries, persuasive letters to a government representative, fleshing out an interesting memory with creative nonfiction, or composing poetry full of figurative language and rhythm. I love the power of words. I'm an amateur photographer with works displayed in local art shows and a few published. Before I could reach the countertop on my own I was baking assistant to the best baker I've ever met, my grandmother, who sold countless baked goods to fundraise and filled holidays with so many pies, cookies, and candies that it required 2 full tables to occupy. Now I'm a fearless baker tackling delicious recipes and creating my own. Specialty cakes and cupcakes are my forte but I'll dabble in any baked goods. Traveling states spread across the country and venturing overseas to Hong Kong and China, where I explored the Great Wall, have all left me wanting to travel more frequently. Online shopping and bargain hunting are another hobby I enjoy so much that my delivery drivers and bank account plead for mercy.
Academic Coaching
Adult Literacy
AP Research
Business Ethics
Business Writing
College English
College Level American History
College Level American Literature
College World History
Cost Analysis
Elementary School English
Elementary School Math
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Science
Elementary School Writing
Fiction Writing
Financial Accounting
GED Reasoning Through Language Arts
High School English
High School Level American History
High School Reading
High School World History
High School Writing
Human Resources
Introduction to Fiction
Kindergarten Readiness
Middle School English
Middle School Reading
Middle School Reading Comprehension
Middle School Science
Middle School Social Studies
Middle School Writing
Professional Certifications
Study Skills
Supply Chain Management
TExES - Texas Examinations of Educator Standards
Thesis Writing