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A photo of Ki Hoon, a tutor from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Ki Hoon

Certified Tutor

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(888) 888-0446

I can be as flexible or as regimented as you like!

For SAT preparation, we can go through practice questions from a resource of your choosing. I'm a firm believer in repetition and practice, so the more practice questions we do together, the better!

For essay writing practice and English language tutoring, we can focus on whatever you need help with. We can go over the fundamentals of what makes a good expository essay and practice building out an essay from a simple, effective skeleton. I'm happy to teach grammar and reading comprehension at all levels!

I have experience teaching SAT prep in the past and have a good grasp of the English language due to my time living in the US and my profession as a lawyer. I'm looking forward to working with you!

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Ki Hoon’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Juris Doctor, Prelaw Studies


In my spare time, I love to be active (hike, play basketball, work out), play with my dog, travel/go on road trips, read (fiction, history, non-fiction), sing, play guitar, and take photos.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math



Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math


SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading

SAT Writing and Language

Test Prep

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