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A photo of Cheryl, a tutor from Morgan State University


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Greetings students and parents! I am a highly qualified certified physics teacher and special education teacher. I have taught in Maryland and Virginia for over 30 years. I've worked most of my career as a high school science and special education case manager, and teacher. I've taught physics at the University level as an adjunct professor as well. Many moons ago I was a broadcast journalist. My BS degree is in Journalism. I have a passion for science teaching. I've worked at NASA Goddard, and EPA's National Research Laboratory in Las Vegas. My goal is to help you understand and enjoy your science course with no trepidation or angst. Trust me, I am surprised that I have a Masters degree in physics. Science did not come easy to me in high school. As a matter of fact, I was a late bloomer. I didn't become interested in science until I was in college. Whatever your goals are and your reasons for needing and wanting a tutor, I m here to help you in your educational journey. It is a privilege and honor to help students like yourself. Relax, you are in good hands. I will do my best to make this a positive and productive tutoring experience for you. CheersMs.,Brown

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Cheryl’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Morgan State University - Bachelor of Science, Telecommunications Management

Graduate Degree: Morgan State University - Master of Science, Physics

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology

AP Chemistry

AP Environmental Science

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 2




College Biology

College Chemistry

College Physics


High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School English

High School Physics

Learning Differences




Special Education

Technology and Coding

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