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A photo of Phoebe, a tutor from DePaul University


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Hello! My name is Phoebe (she/they) and I am recent graduate from DePaul University with a Bachelors of Art. My degree specialized in art and marketing, but I have extensive experience in writing and reading comprehension. My writing has been published across many platforms, including online blogs and physical magazines.
My background in teaching has been brief but extraordinarily rewarding. I have taught remotely at Norris, Marrs, and McMillan Middle Schools in Omaha, Nebraska, where I devised lesson plans and instructed classrooms for after school programs in art and entrepreneurship. My biggest accomplishment does not lie with the lessons themselves, but with connecting with each student on a personal level. I believe that in writing, communicating your own unique voice through word is of the upmost importance, and it is my goal as a tutor to help that voice shine. bell hooks once wrote in 'Teaching to Transgress,' "As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another's voices, in recognizing one another's presence." This is the standard that I hold myself to in education.

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Phoebe’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: DePaul University - Bachelor in Arts, Arts, General


Reading (all genres; nonfiction, fantasy, sci-fi, classics, etc.), writing (poetry, short stories, essays), art (painting, drawing, digital work), bingeing docuseries and podcast episodes on random subjects, cooking for friends and family

Tutoring Subjects


College Application Essays

Elementary School Reading


Essay Editing

High School English

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing




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