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A photo of Alexandria, a tutor from University of California-Davis


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For the past six years, I have tutored and mentored students with any skill set or need. Geometry, algebra, pre-calculus, trigonometry, and SAT prep are subjects in which I have the most experience teaching and consider myself an expert in tutoring those subjects. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Minor in Education at University of California, Davis in 2019. Following graduation, I taught for one year as a 7th grade RSP math teacher at Willis Jepson Middle School (2020-2021). I recently moved to North Carolina, so I have taken up online tutoring full time since then. Although tutoring started as a side job, this has become a full time job to which I remain dedicated. I have refined experience with virtual tutoring (via Zoom or Google Meet). To write out lessons and provide visual support of examples, I screen share a collaborative whiteboard (Google Jamboard) and email the notes after sessions. I integrate interactive websites (Khan Academy, PhET Simulations, PBS LearningMedia, and others) so students get hands-on experience with certain concepts. I also suggest and show students how to navigate online learning resources. Aside from math help, I also show students how to organize their class work and teach essential study skills.

Thinking mathematically and knowing how to problem solve is an empowering life skill. I gain a sense of purpose from empowering my students. I truly believe everyone has the ability to understand and do math. I aim to identify and alleviate barriers to learning math, and to make the process fun, relevant, and practical. I work to provide students the tools to do math confidently. I check for understanding throughout sessions to assess how well I am explaining concepts. I make adjustments and reteach as needed. From my experience, students learn best when the material is relevant and within their reach. I work with my students at their level so that we can build on existing knowledge and I can help with areas of difficulty, while also leveraging strengths.

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Alexandria’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-Davis - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics


Aside from being a math enthusiast, I enjoy gardening, practicing yoga, running at the beach, riding bikes, hiking, reading books, and watching movies. I love traveling around the world. I have been to Spain and Costa Rica, and would love to visit other parts.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2


CBEST - The California Basic Educational Skills Test

CSET - California Subject Examinations for Teachers

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Science


Learning Differences


Middle School Math


Professional Certifications

SAT Prep

SAT Math


Special Education

Test Prep


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