Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: University of Kansas - Bachelor of Science, Molecular Biology
ACT Composite: 33
My research interests involve disentangling the biological mechanisms underlying the association between stress/adversity during early development and increased overall risk of morbidity later in life. I'm also interested in understanding how the central nervous system (CNS) and one's emotional/psychological state influence each other. When not reading papers or working on research, I like to cuddle my dog Axel, bake, read, and tinker with my 3D printer. In true ADHD fashion though, I also circulate through different hobbies to hyperfocus on (right now it's candlemaking).
Beginner Spanish (Grades 2-3)
Beginner Spanish (Grades 4-5)
Beginner Spanish (Grades 6-8)
Beginner Spanish (Grades K-1)
Beginner Spanish for Adults
Cell Biology
College Biology
Conversational Spanish
Conversational Spanish for Adults
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
High School Biology
Honors Biology
Intermediate Spanish for Adults
Introduction to Spanish (Grades 2-3)
Introduction to Spanish (Grades 4-5)
Introduction to Spanish (Grades 6-8)
Introduction to Spanish for Adults
Molecular Biology
Plant Biology
Science Olympiad
Spanish 1