Certified Tutor
Teaching was something I aspired to do at a young age. But, in high school, I found myself employed part-time as a clerk typist for the DC Metropolitan Police Department's (MPDC) Special Operations Division (SOD). This Division is responsible for the escort of our U.S. President and other public notables. Although I was stuck inside an office, I admired the professional and dignified appearance of the officers and wanted to do the job they were doing.
After graduating from high school, I wanted to maintain my employment with MPDC while attending American University in Washington DC. I enjoyed earning my own money; living at home; no bills; and, not asking Dad and Mom for funds to purchase vital essentials for my life such as burgers, fries, and strawberry milkshakes. Dad and Mom were healthy-living enthusiasts and extremely frugal. So, at the age of eighteen and seven weeks into college courses, I decided to upgrade my employment and apply to become a MPDC Police Cadet. The Police Cadet employment minimum requirements at that time included being the age of eighteen and having a high school diploma. I met the requirements, plus more. I was assigned to traffic duties which included parking enforcement and rush hour traffic control. One of the benefits of employment with MPDC was the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP) Grant, which meant I could attend college without charge as long as I remained with MPDC for five years after my last course.
At the age of twenty I was sworn-in as a Police Recruit and entered the MPDC Academy. That was a wonderful adventure. The training and certifications included first responder water and fire rescue, high speed driving, first aid, and CPR. It also included courses vital to law enforcement such as DC and Federal Law, and the U.S. Constitution and the rights of citizens in our country.
In the meantime, I still had a heart for teaching in addition to serving my community. I was invited and attended the FBI Academy with a concentration in Police Management, and took Police Management courses at Pennsylvania State University School of Management, the Kellogg School of Management, and Trinity College School of Christian Education. I was also a member of and received training from the American Management Association (AMA). I have a BS Degree in Criminal Justice and I minored in Public Administration. What I learned, I taught to others (adults) on the job, after work hours, and during community meetings. I also taught Sunday School for ten years at Sharon Baptist Church in Washington DC. My Sunday School students ranged between ages five and eight. I am passionate about teaching anything pertaining to policing, police supervision, management, and the Holy Bible. I retired from MPDC at the rank of Patrol Service Commander. In two instances, I was Acting Chief of Police.
Currently, I am serving my community in an elected position as Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in the Woodridge Community of Washington DC. I am serving my fourth term.
My style of teaching involves communication, support, and directness. I need to hear from the students. Because I was shy in elementary school, I was afraid to speak up in class. My shyness became worse when I was picked by Teachers to provide an answer to a question they had asked. Sometimes, I gave an answer I thought was correct only to hear a harsh, "No" and getting reprimanded for offering the wrong answer. This made me feel demeaned, embarrassed, and sad. So, I guarded myself from experiencing this type of rejection and became one of the "quiet ones" in class.
My style allows the student to give answers right or wrong. Wrong answers will be explored to determine how the student came up with the answer. If the student response is, "I did not study the lesson", this is okay (for the moment but not long term). We all have those days, but must press forward. I believe, this form of interchange with students, builds up confidence in the student, shows my support of the student's ideas and efforts in learning, and demonstrates honesty between teacher and student.
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Undergraduate Degree: Columbia Southern University - Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice
Gardening Sailing Jigsaw Puzzles Crossword Puzzles Traveling-I have visited 50 US States
Elementary School Math
Police Officer Exam
Professional Certifications
Social Sciences
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