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I am a school psychologist and graduated from Eastern Kentucky University with a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology, a Master's of Science in Psychology, and a Psychology Specialist in School Psychology. I have worked with students of all abilities and ages over the past several years and truly enjoying helping children access knowledge and education in the best way for them. I have worked with students in both the regular education and special education department to improve their learning outcomes. While I tutor a variety of subjects, I am most passionate about reading and study skills. I am excited to have the opportunity to continue working with students on their education as I believe education is essential in developing a foundation for an improved quality of life. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my husband, daughter, and our three dogs. We love to go hiking and to the beach. I also love to read novels any chance I get.

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Kayla’s Qualifications


Reading, hiking, going to the beach, spending time with family and friends.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


Learning Differences



Special Education

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