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A photo of Nadine, a tutor from Eckerd College


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I am a graduate from Columbia University with a dual degree in Physics and Mechanical Engineering.
I first began tutoring with a non-profit organization, WhizKids, where tutors were paired with elementary aged children from lower-income neighborhoods to help with homework. Since then, I was a tutor at my first college, where I tutored groups of college-aged students in math and physics. Since I began tutoring, I've loved the connections I was able to make with students, as well as the joy of watching each student become more confident and proud of themselves as they work through the subjects they initially had struggled with. I also love challenging myself in determining ways I can modify my teaching and tutoring methods to the many unique and various learning styles I encounter with each student. Since my major has been mostly math-based, I love teaching calculus 1 and 2 as well as Physics the most. I love the connection that is made between calculus and how it is applied in real-world applications and especially love sharing this passion to the students that I work with. Whenever I'm able to get a chance, I love playing my cello and sketching.

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Nadine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eckerd College - Bachelor of Science, Physics


Growing up in Colorado, I have always loved skiing and rock-climbing and continue to find opportunities to do both wherever I may be. I also love drawing and playing my cello in my free time.

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Physics

11th Grade Physics

12th Grade Physics

6th Grade Physics

7th Grade Physics

8th Grade Physics

9th Grade Physics


Applied Physics




College Physics

Computational Physics

Conceptual Physics

Elementary Particle Physics

Elementary School Math

Engineering Physics

Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Mechanics

General Relativity


Honors Matter and Energy

Honors Physics



Mathematical Physics


Middle School Math

Middle School Physics

Modern Physics

Molecular Physics

Nuclear Physics


Orbital Mechanics

Particle Physics


Plasma Physics

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Methods

Quantum Physics

Quantum Theory


Solid Mechanics

Solid State Physics

Special & General Relativity

Special Relativity

Stellar Astrophysics

String Theory

Theoretical Astrophysics

Theoretical Physics


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