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A photo of Bryan, a tutor from Utah State University


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I am a Computer Scientist with a particular interest in languages and game design.
I have designed several board games and card games, including some with mobile app integration. In addition to physical games, I have multiple apps and learning games on Google Play and online.
I speak French fluently, having lived in France and Belgium for a few years, and am currently raising my children bilingual speaking English and French.
I love sharing knowledge with others and the joy of helping them to achieve their goals.

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Bryan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Utah State University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science


Card Game and Board Game Design, Woodworking, Linguistics, and Reading

Tutoring Subjects

Basic Computer Literacy

Computer Game Design

Computer Programming

Computer Science

Computer Science (in French)


French 1

High School Computer Science






Mobile App Development

Programming Languages

Programming Tools



Technology and Coding

Web Design

Web Development

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