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A photo of Alyssa, a tutor from Cornell University


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I received my Bachelor of Science at Cornell University in 2017. My focus was Interdisciplinary Studies, Biology, and Inequality Studies. Since graduation, I took two years to participate in Teach for America where I taught high school juniors and seniors in Anatomy and Physiology. After school was dedicated to helping those who were having additional troubles in Science. In 2023, I received my DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) from Howard University College of Dentistry. I am now a General Dentist in Atlanta, GA. I am most passionate about Science and Education as the two are both correlated and severely lacking in the minority community. Teaching and learning Science provides me a way to expand my own knowledge in the field while influencing those younger than me to become interested in the STEM field. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling around Washington, DC trying different cuisine, reading, music, and outdoor activities!

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Alyssa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Cornell University - Bachelor of Science, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General

Graduate Degree: Howard University College of Dentistry - Doctor of Dental Science, Dental Hygiene


running, exercising, movies, reading, dentistry, education, and trying new restaurants

Tutoring Subjects



College Application Essays

Creative Writing

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

High School Biology

High School Writing

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



PRAXIS Core Reading

Professional Certifications




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