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A photo of Teresa, a tutor from Florida Atlantic University


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I received my Bachelor of Art in Education from Florida Atlantic University. I have had the privilege of working with students of all ages. In addition to being a classroom teacher for many years, I've tutored students in Language Arts with a focus on Reading and Writing.

I am definitely passionate about writing. I've had two children's books published, However, I most enjoy working with young writers.

I am a firm believer that all learners can succeed. There is a perfect strategy or technique for every student; it's just a matter of finding it.

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Teresa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Atlantic University - Bachelor of Education, Special Education


My greatest hobby is publishing. I love collecting uplifting and positive collaborative works and publishing them to raise funds and awareness for established charities and causes.

Tutoring Subjects


Adult Literacy

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing



Middle School English



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