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A photo of Miakia, a tutor from Christian Brothers University


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I am a Highly Motivated, Highly Accomplished Professional who is committed to the success of others. I excelled in the goals my family and I set for my self 17 years ago. Therefore, it is my desire to give back to others in the community/ to others in the world to assist them in accomplishing their goals too.

I have a Master's degree and I have the same tests you are taking. I have been in your shoes. It is my goal to alleviate the anxiety, fears, and discouragement that often times come from having to take standardized tests.

I make learning fun and engaging for Elementary and Middle School students. I take a "personal approach" to your sessions. My job is to cater to your needs. I spend my first session helping you create a goal /road map for your success.

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Miakia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Christian Brothers University - Bachelor of Education, Education

Graduate Degree: Cambridge College - Masters in Education, Education


My hobbies are Traveling, Learning how to play golf, Playing with my dogs, and Reading.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


High School Writing

Learning Differences

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


PRAXIS Core Reading

PRAXIS Core Writing

PRAXIS Elementary School

Professional Certifications


Special Education


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