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A photo of Hector, a tutor from Florida International University


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Hector is enrolled in an M.S. program in Chemical Biology at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. He has prior degrees in Biological Sciences and Liberal Studies with minors in Chemistry and Psychology to supplement his well-rounded studies at Florida International University located in his hometown of Miami, FL. He has conducted supplementary research in the fields of Neuroscience and Toxicology during his undergraduate years. One day he hopes to be either a physician and/or scientist to further advance the cumulative knowledge on the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders as part of an interdisciplinary team of like-minded individuals.

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Hector’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida International University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: Stevens Institute of Technology - Master of Science, Biochemistry


I love to watch movies on Netflix and anime on Hulu. I also appreciate spending time with friends and family (when we are not in a pandemic). I like learning new things as we almost always learn something new every day!

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Science



AP Environmental Science

AP Seminar




CLEP Biology

CLEP Chemistry

CLEP College Algebra

CLEP College Composition

CLEP College Mathematics

College Algebra

College Application Essays

College Biology

Creative Writing



Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Math

GED Science

High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School Writing

IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation

Life Sciences


Molecular Biology



Public Speaking


Test Prep


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