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A photo of Megan, a tutor from Northcentral University


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Hello! My name is Megan and I am passionate about finding the best way to help all types of students learn. I have been teaching for ten years and have worked with junior high and high school students. I am an English major and love to read and to help kids find a passion for reading as well. I have always had a great rapport with my students and truly believe a student has to trust you in order to learn from you. I graduated from Northcentral University in 2012 and taught seventh grade English for two years before moving on to high school. I connect with all types of learners and understand that the same teaching method does not work for every student. I will work with you to find what is the best way to help you learn. I have taught 7th grade ELA, English II and III, and prepped students for the ACT and SAT exams.

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Megan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Northcentral University - Bachelor of Education, English


I enjoy spending time with my husband, my 16 year-old son and 2-year-old sons. I absolutely love reading and read all kinds of genres and love discovering new books. I love to get outside and seek cooler weather when I can. You will almost always find me reading in any spare time I have.

Tutoring Subjects

6th Grade AP Language Composition


College English

Elementary School English


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



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