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A photo of Sydney, a tutor from Shorter University


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I am a recent 2022 graduate from UGA where I obtained a masters degree in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (GPA: 3.8). I received my bachelors degree in biology with a double minor in mathematics and chemistry from Shorter University (GPA: 4.0).

While obtaining my masters degree, I was given the opportunity to be a graduate student teacher for one section of elementary biostatistics (one MWF class per semester). I was the student instructor on record for the fall 2021 and spring 2022 semesters. I have created lessons, practice PowerPoints, and tests for elementary biostatistics.

In both my academic and professional life, I have been consistently praised as diligent and focused by my professors and peers. I am a firm proponent of education, believing it to be absolutely necessary for an improved quality of life, and I try to impart this appreciation to all of my students. In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies, reading comic books, and hanging out with my dogs.

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Sydney’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Shorter University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: University of Georgia - Master in Public Health, Epidemiology

Test Scores

GRE: 300


I enjoy marvel/dc comics, movies (just not scary), volleyball, painting, soccer, and video games

Tutoring Subjects


College Biology


General Biology

High School Biology

Human Biology



Plant Biology


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