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A photo of Joy, a tutor from Bob Jones University


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I have a Master's degree in Education from Grand Canyon University. I found my passion in assisting students to achieve that "lightbulb" moment. Since graduating I have worked primarily in reading and math. I have a love of reading that I want to share with others, as well as the creative outlet of writing. I struggled with math when I was in junior high, so I have a great deal of patience with students who struggle, and am willing to find ways to make subjects more understandable to students. My biggest hobby in life is reading. I have found great joy in expressing myself in writing, and very happy when I can assist students in expressing themselves in this same way. I have always felt that every child is capable of success, and I desire to help each individual achieve their personal best in all subjects. I find history fascinating, and try to help others appreciate it as well. I also enjoy puzzles and crochet, as well as taking the dogs for walks.

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Joy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bob Jones University - Bachelor in Arts, Bible Studies

Graduate Degree: Grand Canyon University - Masters in Education, Elementary School Teaching


Reading, writing, crochet, puzzles, games, walking the dogs

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing



Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension




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