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A photo of Robert, a tutor from University of Michigan-Ann Arbor


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I have had a wonderful career and now I would like to give back in the ways my best professors changed my life.

I can teach/tutor any level of math. I was all but dissertation as an undergrad at Michigan. I keep in touch with famous research mathematicians to this day.

I can teach/tutor most economics and all econometrics. I took the doctoral level sequence as an undergrad, and I keep in touch with professors at Harvard and Princeton (my mentor at Michgan passed away recently). I also know economists from the President's Council of Economic Advisors when I was in the White House.

I spent 40 years writing briefs and learning writing skills from sentence construction to writing theses about literature, from great writers. There is, as Hemingway said, no great writing only great re-writing. This requires hard work and patience and some of it boils down to simple rules, after which one can develop one's style.

My main goals are to simplify concepts, and empathize with the same learning difficulties I had. Some "beginning" courses are really hard and deal with problems no one could solve until the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries! People, esp Professors and teachers, need to see some of these problems from that perspective.

Finally, I am not interested in simply doing someone's homework for them, but in helping them learn concepts and application -- to get the best grades they can get.

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Robert’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - Master of Arts, Mathematics


My interests are wide and only limited by time. Math, politics, college football is a favorite as is my love of golf. I enjoy most sports and I maintained a blog, still extant, for a while on golf. I love poetry (English). I enjoy conversation. I love people. I enjoy teaching and considered a teach career when I left the White House. I have several film cameras and enjoy film photography (from 35mm to large format) of landscapes. I am, as you might imagine, a recovered political addict and I try not to discuss it with anyone I haven't known for decades. It's usually inside inside baseball. I love going to baseball games in person. And I have many friends, often professors, who can teach me about new subjects. I am by nature curious. As Andrew Marvell once said on a different subject, "had we but world enough, and time."

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

AP Physics 2



Calculus 2

College Economics

College Physics

Discrete Math



Finite Mathematics

High School Economics

High School Physics







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