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A photo of Prince, a tutor from University of Ghana


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My teaching experience has taught me that the preparation of courses is crucial for achieving pedagogical objectives. I started teaching over a decade ago, during which, I taught laboratory and small lecture courses in the fields of Genetics, Molecular biology, and Biotechnology at the University of Ghana and University of Vermont, where I respectively received my Bachelor's and Ph.D. degrees.
My professional exposure has taught me that students come from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds with a different level of ability and lifestyle. As such I encourage one-on-one interaction with my students. An online tutoring offers just that. Such times are golden opportunities for me as a teacher to decipher problems, get feedback, commend effort, and encourage further effort individually. It also enables me to gain ideas vital to engage eclectic teaching techniques to cater to the diverse learning orientations of my students; ensuring that non feels abandoned or left behind.
On the weekend you might find me tutoring or playing board games with my daughters, or just hanging out with a book. I love reading books, playing sports, and learning new things outside of biology.
I look forward to helping you to achieve your learning objectives!

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Prince’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Ghana - Bachelor of Science, Agronomy and Crop Science

Graduate Degree: University of Vermont - Doctor of Philosophy, Plant Molecular Biology


playing sports(Soccer, Ping-Pong, Volley), Reading

Tutoring Subjects


Cell Biology

College Biology

Molecular Biology

Plant Biology


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