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A photo of Rebecca, a tutor from SUNY at Geneseo


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I have always been passionate about helping students. I recently graduated from SUNY Geneseo with a Bachelor of Science in Education. I am certified to teach grades 1-6 in elementary and special education. I am working toward a master's degree in reading and literacy education at University of Rochester. While I enjoy tutoring a wide range of subjects, most of my tutoring experience is in literacy and math. For the past 3 years I have been a volunteer tutor at a literacy center where I work one-on-one with students in phonics and reading. I also have experience tutoring a 5th grader in math in which we worked through a variety of math questions and word problems and I taught the student strategies to use in math. I also tutored a 7th grader in French because I studied the language throughout middle school and high school. It is so rewarding to see students make progress during our sessions together. I have a good understanding of curriculum and various teaching strategies since I recently student taught 5th and 1st grade. I believe that every student learns differently, therefore it is important to individualize instruction. I am passionate about tutoring students to help them work towards their individual goals. I try to instill a love of learning in all my students. Outside of tutoring, I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, traveling, playing tennis, and skiing.

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Rebecca’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY at Geneseo - Bachelor of Science, Education of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs

Graduate Degree: University of Rochester - Masters in Education, Reading Teacher Education


I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, traveling, volunteering, playing tennis, and skiing. I also like listening to music and taking my dog for walks.

Tutoring Subjects

EAS - Educating All Students (NY Teaching exam)

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing



NYSTCE - New York State Teacher Certification Examinations


Professional Certifications

Special Education


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