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A photo of Tamika, a tutor from Seton Hall University


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I am a firm believer that there is not one right way to learn new information. Every person is unique and, thus, has a unique learning ability. I enjoy teaching and tutoring because it allows me to share my knowledge, learn and implement various learning techniques designed for individual needs, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject material. I was raised in New Jersey, where I completed a Bachelor's of Chemistry and a Master's of Molecular Pathology and Immunology. Throughout my graduate career and immediately following completion of the program, I gained extensive experience in wet lab and molecular research. The skills developed in my scientific research equipped me with knowledge and experience that I implement regularly in teaching general biology to college students. I believe that a basic understanding of how life works is vital because we are confronted with scientific events every day. The interest and appreciation of science is enhanced when we can relate the concepts to our every day lives; and, this is what I try to instill in my students. I also have experience in scientific writing, having been published and engaged in multiple peer-reviewed articles. I, thus, feel confident in assisting in writing and reviewing written works. In my spare time, I really enjoy getting involved in my local community theatre groups, spending time with family, exercising and reading.

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Tamika’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Seton Hall University - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Graduate Degree: Rowan University - Master of Science, Biomedical Sciences


Reading Musical Theatre Dancing Acting Singing Exercise

Tutoring Subjects


College Biology


High School Biology



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